Design Classes

The Institute for Architectural Research offers one-on-one design and architecture classes open to high school students, prospective graduate students, and post-graduate students.

Experience inclusive learning with our IAEE (Inclusive Accessible Education for Everyone) certified workshops, endorsed by the Board of Directors at The Institute for Architectural Research. The syllabus for each workshop is tailored to accommodate individual students or groups based on enrollment and the availability of both students and instructors.


  • Introduction to Design

  • Introduction to Architectural Drawing

  • Advanced Architectural Design and Drawing

  • Digital Modeling: Analysis and Representation

  • Building Systems Integration (for architects and interior architects)

  • Interior Design (with a focus on Air & Sound)

  • Integrated Product Design

  • Hand-sketching in the Digital Age

  • Critical Theory of Architecture (with a focus on geometrical analysis)

Each course will have digital drawing tutorials built into the syllabus. We teach the following design software programs: Revit, Rhino, (Generative Design) Grasshopper/Dynamo, Sketchup, 3DS Max, Digital Fabrication/Rapid Prototyping

We believe a virtual studio culture is possible and necessary to engage in our design profession's future. The Institue for Architectural Research brings a high level of intellectual discourse, critical thinking design skills, and technical software development directly to you. Class meeting in person is not required. We conduct all meetings virtually via Zoom with image content exchanged using Canvas learning management platform, augmented with Mural collaborative workspace. We welcome applicants from all around the world.

To Apply: “Open Enrollment”

Please contact ( to set up an appointment and discuss the required application submission. Suggested donations for classes will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.